Every Step Counts 🌟

Each action we take, no matter how small, can contribute to reducing inequalities. Let’s work together to build a world where everyone has the chance to thrive and contribute to society. 🌍⚖️

Every Step Counts 🌟

Each action we take, no matter how small, can contribute to reducing inequalities. Let’s work together to build a world where everyone has the chance to thrive and contribute to society. 🌍⚖️

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 is a call to action to reduce inequalities within and among countries. It’s about creating a world where everyone has equal opportunities, regardless of their background, where they live, or who they are. 🌐🤝

Understanding SDG 10 🎯

SDG 10 focuses on tackling income inequality, discrimination, and creating policies for inclusivity. It advocates for the empowerment of all people and the promotion of social, economic, and political inclusion. 💷👥

Why Reducing Inequalities Matters 🤔

Inequalities undermine long-term social and economic development, harm poverty reduction, and destroy people’s sense of fulfilment and self-worth. By reducing inequalities, we can create more cohesive and resilient societies. 🌍💚

Actions to Take 🛠️

  1. Advocating for Equal Opportunities: Support policies and practices that promote fairness and inclusion in education, jobs, and representation. 📚💼
  2. Supporting Inclusive Growth:Engage with initiatives that aim to ensure the benefits of growth are shared among all segments of society. 📈🤲
  3. Challenging Discrimination: Stand against all forms of discrimination and promote diversity and inclusion in every sphere of life. 🚫👥
  4. Empowering Disadvantaged Groups: Support efforts to empower marginalised groups and ensure their voices are heard in policy-making. 🗣️👂

#SDG10 #ReduceInequalities #InclusiveWorld #FairnessForAll 🌐🤝💼🌱


SDG 10 is all about making sure everyone, no matter where they come from, how they look, or what they believe in, gets treated fairly and can share in the world's benefits like education, parks, and hospitals. It's like making sure every player in a game has an equal chance to play, win, and have fun, no matter if they're tall, short, fast, or slow. This goal helps us work towards a world where everyone has the same opportunities to be happy, healthy, and successful, like making sure all young people can go to a great school or have a safe place to live and play.

Here's a list of big questions that can facilitate meaningful discussions and learning about SDG 10:

  1. Why does inequality exist, and how does it affect individuals and communities differently around the world?
    This question encourages students to think about the root causes of inequality, including historical, economic, and social factors, and how these inequalities manifest in various ways across different contexts.
  2. What role do governments play in reducing inequality, and what policies can they implement to ensure a fairer distribution of wealth and opportunities?
    Students can explore the responsibility of governments in addressing inequality, discussing specific policies such as taxation, social welfare programs, education, and healthcare reforms that can help reduce disparities.
  3. How does discrimination based on race, gender, disability, or other factors contribute to inequality, and what actions can be taken to combat this?
    This question prompts students to consider how discrimination creates barriers to equality and what measures, such as laws, awareness campaigns, and education, can be implemented to promote inclusion and respect for diversity.
  4. What is the impact of global inequality on developing countries, and how can international cooperation be improved to support these nations better?
    Students can discuss the challenges faced by developing countries, including limited access to markets, technology, and finance, and explore how international aid, fair trade agreements, and technology transfer could support sustainable development.
  5. How can individuals and communities contribute to reducing inequality within their own countries and globally?
    This encourages students to think about the power of individual and collective action in driving change, from volunteering and advocacy to supporting ethical businesses and participating in community projects.
  6. What are the potential consequences if the world fails to address inequality?
    Students can speculate on the future implications of unchecked inequality, including social unrest, increased poverty, environmental degradation, and global instability, fostering a sense of urgency about the need for action.

Goal-Problem-Solution Scenario 🎯

The Goal Problem Solution (GPS) method is a three-part structured summary:

  • Goal: The goal you are trying to achieve
  • Problem: The problem that is preventing you from reaching your goal
  • Solution: What I/we/you are going to do to solve the problem

Here is a simplified GPS framework designed to make these concepts accessible and actionable for students in Stages 2 and 3 investigating SDG 10.


Make Things Fair for Everyone, Everywhere.

  1. Differences in Money and Things People Have: Some people and countries have a lot more money and things than others. This means that while some people have more than they need, many others don't have enough to live well. This isn't fair, and we need to find ways to share better.
  2. Not Treating Everyone the Same: Sometimes, people are treated differently because of their skin colour, where they come from, whether they are a boy or a girl, or if they find some things harder to do. This isn't right because it stops them from going to school, getting good jobs, or being healthy, which makes it hard for them to have a good life.
  3. Not Helping Countries Enough: Some countries are still trying to grow and make life better for their people, but it's tough without enough money, new technology, or chances to trade with other countries. This means people in these countries don't get to live as well as they should.
  1. Making Sure Everyone Gets a Fair Share:
    • Make rules so that money is shared out more fairly. This could mean making sure rich people help support others through taxes and making sure everyone can get help when they need it.
    • Help people get good jobs that pay well, especially in places where people don't have much money. Support small businesses and people who are trying to start their own company.
  2. Making Better Rules and Helping Everyone:
    • Make sure laws are fair and stop people from being treated badly because of who they are. This will help everyone get the same chances to succeed.
    • Create programs that make sure everyone can go to school, see a doctor when they're sick, and have what they need to live a good life, no matter who they are or where they're from.
  3. Working Together Across the World:
    • Give more help to countries that are still growing. Share knowledge and new inventions with them, and make sure they get a fair chance to trade with other countries.
    • Make sure these countries have a say in big decisions that affect everyone around the world, so things are fairer.

How to Make it Happen:

  1. Change and Follow the Rules:
    Countries and big groups that make decisions should work together to change old rules that aren't fair and make sure new, fair rules are followed.
  2. Listen to What People Need:
    Talk to people and listen to what they need. Make sure when plans are made, everyone's voice is heard, especially those who haven't been listened to before.
  3. Check How Things are Going:
    Keep an eye on how well we are doing in making things fairer and see what's working or not. This helps us know if we need to try different ways to make things better.

By working on these problems and solutions together, in our own countries and with friends around the world, we can make life fairer for everyone. This means everyone has the chance to be happy and live well.

Project Ideas 💡

These project ideas aim to engage students in learning about inequality, fostering empathy, and encouraging them to become active participants in creating a more equitable world.

  1. Community Equality Survey:
    Students can create and distribute a survey within their school or local community to gather insights on perceptions of inequality. They can ask questions about access to resources, discrimination, and suggestions for improvement. The results can be used to create an awareness campaign or propose solutions to local leaders.
  2. Inequality Awareness Poster Campaign:
    Encourage students to design posters that highlight different aspects of inequality (income, education, health care, etc.) and suggest actions to address these issues. These posters can be displayed around the school or community centres to raise awareness.
  3. Global Inequality Research Project:
    Assign students to research inequality in different countries, focusing on specific indicators such as income disparity, gender equality, access to education, and healthcare. They can present their findings to the class through presentations or a mini exhibition, suggesting ways to support global efforts to reduce inequality.
  4. Cultural Exchange Program:
    Organise a virtual or pen-pal exchange with students from another country or a different socioeconomic background within the same country. This project aims to foster understanding and empathy among students from diverse backgrounds, encouraging them to share their experiences and learn about different ways of life.
  5. Local Action Plan for Inclusivity:
    Students can identify areas within their school or community where inclusivity could be improved (e.g., accessibility for people with disabilities, support for non-native speakers, etc.). They can then develop and propose an action plan to school or community leaders, outlining practical steps to make these spaces more inclusive.
  6. Fair Trade Awareness Campaign:
    Students can research the principles of fair trade and its impact on reducing global inequality. They can create informational materials or an awareness campaign to promote fair trade products among their peers, families, and local community, highlighting how choosing fair trade supports equitable treatment and fair wages for producers.
  7. Community Service Initiative:
    Encourage students to organise or participate in a community service project, such as a food drive, clothing collection, or volunteering at a local charity. The project can focus on addressing local inequalities by supporting those in need within their community.
  8. Equality-Themed Book Club:
    Start a book club that reads and discusses books on themes related to inequality, diversity, and social justice. This can include fiction and non-fiction titles suitable for their age group. Discussions can lead to brainstorming sessions on how students can take action on the issues raised in the books within their own communities.

Gamification Options 👾

Incorporating gamification into learning about SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities) can make the subject more engaging and memorable for students in Stages 2 and 3. Here are some gamification options that can be adapted for classroom or group activities:

  1. Inequality Monopoly:
    Modify the classic Monopoly game to reflect the realities of income inequality. Different players start with varying amounts of resources, and there are special cards that highlight challenges and advantages related to inequality. This game can help students understand the impact of starting points and opportunities on outcomes.
  2. Equality Quest:
    Design a board game or digital game where players go on a quest to reduce inequalities. They must navigate challenges and make decisions that affect their progress and the well-being of a community within the game. Players can earn "impact points" by making choices that promote equality and inclusivity.
  3. SDG 10 Trivia Challenge:
    Create a trivia game with questions about global and local inequalities, historical facts about social movements, and current events related to SDG 10. This can be played in teams, and correct answers can unlock rewards or advantages within the game, encouraging learning and research.
  4. Role-Play Simulations:
    Organise role-play activities where students assume the identities of individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds. They must navigate various scenarios and make decisions based on their roles. This activity can help students empathise with different perspectives and understand the complexities of addressing inequality.
  5. Digital Badge System:
    Implement a digital badge system where students earn badges for completing tasks related to learning about and taking action on inequality. Tasks might include participating in discussions, conducting research, or leading community projects. Badges serve as a visual representation of their achievements and learning progress.
  6. Inequality Puzzle Challenge:
    Design puzzles or escape room activities where students must solve challenges related to inequality to progress. Each puzzle solved provides a piece of the solution to reduce inequality, teaching students about the interconnectedness of different issues and solutions.
  7. "Build a Fair World" Simulation Game:
    Use simulation games (either digital or as a classroom activity) where students design and manage a community or society with the goal of minimising inequality. They must make decisions on policies, resource allocation, and initiatives that impact the well-being and equality of their citizens.
  8. Social Justice Warrior:
    A gamified platform where students embark on missions to learn about and advocate for equality. Missions could include creating awareness materials, organising community service projects, or advocating for policy changes. Completing missions earns points, levels, and awards, motivating ongoing engagement.

These gamification options can be tailored to the age and interests of the students, making the learning process about SDG 10 interactive, fun, and impactful.

Curriculum alignment 📝

Aligning educational activities with Sustainable Development Goal 10 (SDG 10), "Reduced Inequalities," within the Australian and NSW curriculum for students in Stages Two and Three, involves integrating themes of understanding inequality, its causes, effects, and solutions through various subject areas. Here's how these themes can be integrated:

Australian Curriculum Alignment
Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 10 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics ACMSP096, ACMSP118 (Stage 2) ACMSP144, ACMSP145 (Stage 3) Data Representation and Interpretation Analysing inequality through data Use statistics to explore income distribution within a country or between different countries and graph the results to discuss economic inequality.
Science ACSSU073 (Stage 2) ACSSU112 (Stage 3) Biological Sciences Impact of environmental inequalities Investigate how environmental issues disproportionately affect poor communities, using case studies like access to clean water.
Technology ACTDIP020 (Stage 2) ACTDIP029 (Stage 3) Digital Technologies Technology as a tool to reduce inequalities Develop a digital project that aims to address a specific inequality issue, such as an app to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) ACHASSK088 (Stage 2) ACHASSK139, ACHASSK140 (Stage 3) Civics and Citizenship Role of governments and policies in reducing inequality Research and present on different government policies around the world designed to reduce inequality, such as healthcare, education, and social protection.
English ACELT1609, ACELT1619 (Stage 2) ACELT1803, ACELT1610 (Stage 3) Literacy: Creating texts Communicating about inequality and advocacy Write persuasive texts or speeches advocating for changes to address inequality, focusing on discrimination or poverty.
PDHPE PD2-6, PD3-6 Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education Understanding discrimination and promoting inclusion Discuss the effects of inequality and discrimination on mental health and well-being, and role-play scenarios to practice inclusion and empathy.
NSW Curriculum Alignment
Subject Area Content Descriptor Code(s) Content Descriptor SDG 10 Connection Example Activity
Mathematics MA2-1WM, MA3-1WM Working Mathematically Understanding inequality through mathematical analysis Conduct a survey to understand perceptions of inequality within the school community, analysing and presenting the data.
Science ST2-11LW, ST3-11LW Living World Exploring the science behind inequalities T2.1, T3.1Study the health impacts of pollution on different communities, focusing on environmental justice.
Technology T2.2, T3.2 Technology Mandatory Using technology to address social issues Design a website that raises awareness about a specific form of inequality, providing information and ways to help.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) HT2-2, HT3-2 History and Geography Historical and geographical perspectives on inequality Explore how historical decisions have led to current inequalities and discuss the impact of geographical location on economic opportunities.
English EN2-2A, EN3-2A English Expressing ideas about inequality and diversity Create narrative stories or diary entries from the perspective of someone experiencing inequality, aiming to foster understanding and empathy.
PDHPE PD2-7, PD3-7 PDHPE Promoting health and well-being for all Organize a class project to support a local charity that works to reduce inequalities, discussing the importance of community involvement.

These tables provide structured ways to integrate SDG 10 into both the Australian and NSW curriculums, ensuring students across various subjects engage with the critical issues of inequalities. These activities aim to promote awareness, critical thinking, empathy, and active participation in efforts to reduce inequalities.

Cross-Curricular collaboration 🖇️

Here are two cross-curricular project ideas that align with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10: Reduced Inequalities and are suitable for students in Stages 2 and 3:

  1. “Equal Access” Awareness Campaign:
    • SDG Focus: SDG 10 aims to reduce inequalities within and among countries. Specifically, it focuses on promoting social, economic, and political inclusion for all.
    • Subjects: English, Visual Arts, Mathematics, and Civics and Citizenship.
    • Description:
      • Students research and explore various forms of inequality (e.g., income, education, disability) within their local community or globally.
      • They create awareness posters, infographics, or short videos highlighting the importance of equal access to resources, opportunities, and rights.
      • Students calculate statistics related to income disparities or educational gaps and present their findings.
      • As part of the campaign, they organise a school-wide event (e.g., assembly, exhibition) to share their messages and promote inclusivity.
  2. “Walk in Their Shoes” Empathy Project:
    • SDG Focus: SDG 10 emphasises understanding and empathy toward marginalised groups. This project encourages students to step into others’ shoes.
    • Subjects: English, History, Geography, and Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education (PDHPE)
    • Description:
      • Students choose a specific group facing inequalities (e.g., refugees, indigenous communities, people with disabilities).
      • They research the challenges, experiences, and barriers faced by this group.
      • Students write fictional narratives or create multimedia presentations (e.g., podcasts, slideshows) from the perspective of someone from that group.
      • They organise a “Walk in Their Shoes” day where classmates experience simulations (e.g., mobility challenges, language barriers) related to the chosen group.
      • Reflection activities help students develop empathy and understanding.

Remember to scaffold these projects appropriately, encourage collaboration, and provide opportunities for students to take action beyond the classroom. These projects not only address SDG 10 but also foster critical thinking, creativity, and global citizenship.

Here are some strategies for assessing student progress and understanding in the projects related to SDG 10:

  1. Formative Assessment:
    • Purpose: Formative assessment helps teachers monitor student learning during the project. It provides feedback to guide instructional adjustments.
    • Methods:
      • Observations: Observe students during group work, discussions, and presentations. Note their engagement, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
      • Checklists or Rubrics: Develop checklists or rubrics specific to project criteria. Assess students’ research, creativity, empathy, and communication.
      • Peer Feedback: Encourage students to provide constructive feedback to their peers. Peer assessment promotes self-reflection and collaboration.
  2. Summative Assessment:
    • Purpose: Summative assessment evaluates overall student achievement at the end of the project.
    • Methods:
      • Project Presentations:  Have students present their work to the class. Assess their content knowledge, communication skills, and ability to convey empathy.
      • Written Reflections: Ask students to write reflections on their learning journey. What did they discover? How did they address inequalities?
      • Multimedia Artifacts:  Evaluate students’ infographics, videos, or podcasts. Look for depth of understanding, creativity, and alignment with project goals.
  3. Self-Assessment:
    • Purpose: Self-assessment encourages metacognition and empowers students to take ownership of their learning.
    • Methods:
      • Learning Journals: Have students maintain journals throughout the project. They can record challenges, insights, and personal growth.
      • Goal Setting: Ask students to set individual learning goals related to SDG 10. Have them reflect on progress toward these goals.
  4. Collaboration Assessment:
    • Purpose: Assess students’ ability to work effectively in teams.
    • Methods:
      • Peer Evaluation: Have team members evaluate each other’s contributions. Did everyone participate equally? Did they value diverse perspectives?
      • Group Reflections: After the project, facilitate group discussions. What went well? What challenges did they face as a team?
  5. Content Knowledge Assessment:
    • Purpose: Evaluate students’ understanding of inequalities, empathy, and global citizenship.
    • Methods:
      • Quizzes or Tests: Create assessments related to SDG 10 concepts. Include questions about marginalised groups, historical context, and strategies for reducing inequalities.
      • Concept Maps: Have students create visual representations of their understanding. How do different aspects of SDG 10 connect?

Remember that assessment should align with the project’s goals and encourage deeper learning. Provide timely feedback to guide students’ growth and celebrate their efforts in addressing real-world challenges. 🌟📝


From Idea to Impact

Program Overview

"From Idea to Impact" is a dynamic online course tailored for young innovators aged 10-18 years, aiming to transform budding ideas into actionable project plans. Leveraging the 'GPS Sentence' model, the course instils in students the foundational skills of project planning, including goal setting, problem identification, and solution formulation. Through interactive modules and the 'Project Canvas' tool, students are guided from conceptualization to the creation of a detailed project plan.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Young People:

  • Develop the ability to generate and refine project ideas.
  • Learn structured goal-setting and problem-solving methodologies.
  • Gain insights into identifying stakeholders and gathering resources.
  • Acquire skills in measuring project success and understanding project management fundamentals.
  • Enhance presentation skills and the ability to collaborate andreceive feedback.

For Adults:

  • Build confidence in supporting youth in project planning.
  • Enhance their knowledge with additional resources and practical application exercises.
  • Foster a supportive environment for mentoring, offering clear evaluation tools.
  • Encourage practical application and mentorship, leading to recognition of efforts.

Curriculum Alignment

The course aligns with the Australian Curriculum across various stages and subjects, providing a structured approach to developing key competencies:

  • Empowering Idea Generation: Linked with Arts and Science codes, encouraging creative and scientific inquiry.
  • Structured Goal Planning and Stakeholder Awareness: Integrates Mathematics and HASS, focusing on problem-solving and global economic awareness.
  • Success Measurement and Project Management: Correlates with Science and Design and Technologies, emphasizing data analysis and project organization.
  • Project Canvas Development and Presentation Skills: Associated with Design and Technologies and English, fostering solution development and effective communication.

"From Idea to Impact" not only aligns with educational standards but also enriches student learning experiences by bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, supporting both students and teachers in navigating the complexities of project planning and execution.

2. Catalyst Coaches

Program Overview

"Catalyst Coaches" is an innovative online course designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools needed to guide students in creating impactful projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The course covers foundational SDG knowledge, youth dynamics, project ideation, planning, facilitation of student-led projects, technology integration, impact assessment, and sharing successes.

Outcomes for Young People and Adults

For Educators:

  • Develop an understanding of the SDGs, learn strategies to facilitate youth-led projects effectively, and incorporate technology and media to enhance project visibility and impact.

For Students:

  • Through educator guidance, gain skills in project design and execution within the framework of the SDGs, enhancing their problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork abilities.

Curriculum Alignment

The course content is tailored to complement educational curriculums by embedding pedagogical insights with practical project-based learning tools. It aligns with key learning areas by fostering critical thinking, collaboration, digital literacy, and global citizenship among students, supporting educators to integrate these themes seamlessly into their teaching practices.

We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.